
Alice & Lewis II (18)

28. 8.22:10 → 22:25Francie2021

Jealous of the King of Frostaland, who is celebrating Alice’s “non-birthday,” the Queen organizes a double-teatime at the castle and forces all her subjects to attend. Alice and Lewis try to enjoy both celebrations. But there’s no denying it: it’s way more chill at the King’s party than the Queen’s, where the poor guests are subjected to fear and intimidation! In fact, it’s so bad that before long, the Queen’s guests start defecting, migrating to the more fun venue in Frostaland. Alice and Lewis try to avoid a crisis by making sure the Queen doesn’t find out they’re having fun behind her back…

Emmylou Homs, Barbara Tissier, Jolanda Granato

Režie: Bernard Ling