Le Poéme Harmonique and Vincent Dumestre at the Misteria Paschalia Festival: Purcell, Clarke

29. 3.09:30 → 10:37

Le Poéme Harmonique, Les Cris de Paris, Vincent Dumestre (direction); Emmanuelle de Negri (soprano), Zachary Wilder (ténor), Victor Sicard (basse); Henry Purcell (1659 - 1695); Welcome to all the pleasures; Jeremiah Clarke (1674 - 1707); Ode on the Death of Henry Purcell; Henry Purcell; Funeral sentences for the death of Queen Mary II; Recorded on March 31st 2018 at the Misteria Paschalia festival of Cravow; TV Director, Jean-Pierre Loisil 03.04.2021 (65 min)