The Dead Queen by Kader Berlarbi, Capitole de Toulouse Ballet

31. 12.09:30 → 11:25

The Dead Queen (La Reine Morte); Choreography and stage by Kader Belarbi; Ballet in two acts after ' La Reine morte' by Henry de Montherlant (1942) and after 'Reinar después de morir' by Luis Vélez de Guevara (1652); Orchestre national du Capitole; Koen Kessels, Conductor; Music, Piotr Ilitch Tcha?kovski; Set, Bruno de Laven?re; Costume, Olivier Bériot; Lights, Sylvain Chevallot; Withe; The Capitole Ballet; Recorde on February 8th at the Capitole of Toulouse Theater; TV Director, Luc Riolon (110 min)