The Sacral Dance - Compania Danza Contemporanea de Cuba

15. 1.02:00 → 03:54

The Sacral Dance; Choregraphy by Christophe Béranger, Jonathan Pranlas-Descours, Jorge Cespédes and Julio Cesar Iglesias; Compania Danza Contemporanea de Cuba; Music, Igor Stravinsky; Musique traditionnelle cubaine, National Electronica; Concept, scenography, Christphe Béranger a,d Jonathan Pranlas-Descourts, Jorge Cespédes and Julio Cesar Iglesias; Director of the company, Miguel Iglesias Ferrer; Manager of the company, Jorge Brooks; Recorded on May 2018 at the Gran Teatro de la Habana, Alicia Alonso, Cuba; Réalisé par Patrick Lauze 22.01.2020 (112 min)