Christophe Rousset conducts Phaëton by Lully at the Festival de Beaune

Phaëton, by Jean-Baptiste Lully; Opera in a prologue and 5 acts; Les Talens Lyriques, Christophe Rousset (conductor); Choeur de chambre de Namur; Emiliano Gonzalez Toro (Phaëton), Gaëlle Arquez (Libye), Isabelle Drue (Théone), Ingrid Perruche (Clym?ne), Andrew Foster-Williams (Épaphus), Frédéric Caton (Mérops), Benoît Arnould (Protée ), Cyril Auvity (Le Soleil), Directed by Olivier Simonnet; Recorded at the Festival International d'Opéra Baroque de Beaune, July 2012 (161 min)