Grizzy's nap is interrupted by an annoying vibration. He sees the forest ranger's cell phone on the couch. / Freed by the thawing ice a mysterious giant egg slides up to the front door of the log cabin. / In order to seduce the she-bear he's infatuated with Grizzy decides to take things in hand and slim down with the ranger's bodybuilding equipment. / By chance Grizzy discovers that the ranger's new robot vacuum cleaner also gives very pleasant back massages. But the Lemmings see the new gadget more as a competition bumper car. / Grizzy discovers a gadget that controls various functions in the cabin. He will finally be able to rid of the Lemmings without even leaving the couch! / To make sure that the Lemmings don’t snatch his chocolate spread Grizzy turns the fridge into a safe. But the Lemmings see Grizzy open the door while sleepwalking.