Zig & Sharko

Crates full of bubble-gum are dropped in the jungle, by mistake. Zig sees no use in this chewy stuff. Bernie, however, plans to use the sticky, stretchy chewing gum to neutralise Sharko and nab the mermaid! / Bernie - disheartened by Zig’s ever-ridiculous, vain attempts to catch the mermaid – resolves to put an end to such pathetic demonstrations. With Sharko, he decides to use a pendulum to hypnotise Zig, and persuade him to go vegetarian… / A mummy tries – unsuccessfully – to sell charms and knick-knacks on the beach. When the mummy sees Zig (in dreadful shape), it thinks it has found the perfect pigeon, and fobs off a ‘magical’ talisman… / Marina spots a crack in a castle wall. Sharko gives it a professional tap, the crack widens and the wall collapses… on Zig. No problem! Sharko can rebuild the wall (or not…)! / Sharko plays ping-pong with Marina, winning every round. She walks off, fed up. Zig challenges Sharko to a game of… tennis! But Bernie’s court lines on Sharko’s side are a l-o-n-g way away, giving Zig ample time to nab the mermaid… / When Hades is in the shower, the volcano-boiler conks out – no hot water. Annoyed, he decides to repair it himself. Under the beach (and on it), Sharko chases Zig… who chases Marina. Same old story, only the ‘boiler’ bursts and the volcano goes haywire…