Assassination II, portrays the murder of Venustiano Carranza, Francisco Villa and Alvaro Obregon, occurred during the last years of the Mexican Revolution. Assassination II is a format that blends the past with the present; historical reconstruction, structured by the questions Who, how and why it will unveil each of the questions surrounding the details of each of the deaths of these important figures in Mexican history. Assassination II , portrays from its unknown side, the personality of the victims, the murderers, and also the personality of the intellectual murderers of each case. The program develops the leadership of historian Pedro Salmerón, in each case, and with a specialist historian that retrace the different lines of research that were taken just after the events, and secret plots hatched to that truth comes to light, while we'll find out the true events revealed after several years of research. With this format, viewers will witness the truths hitherto undisclosed Mexican history.