A journey to the Mafia archipelago, in Tanzania, at 130 km south from Dar Es Salaam. A land where African nostalgia has taken over Mario, a diving instructor and local businessman. He takes us to discover the rich sea-beds of Mafia Island, which is now a protected Marine Park. The same kind of nostalgia also seems to have taken over local people too, and this is the case of a local sailor, Mohammed, that with his small boat, that he saved from a fire, sails between the Islands of Mafia and Chole. In order to feel the wind in his face and also for the simple pleasure of sailing he takes tourists from one island to another. So he is the one to guide us around the uncontaminated island of Chole. He shows us the ruins that date back to Persian and German pre-colonial days, we meet his family who are busy building a roof, we see them cooking, we visit his house and the local school and also a small boat yard where local boats are made.