Having risen from the ashes of one of the poorest economies, India now is walking the road to becoming a superpower. Come the turn of the century, many of the Indian Diaspora are flooding the shores of India, reversing the brain drain that was once plaguing India. The reverberations of India’s IT boom called upon tens of thousands of Non-Resident Indians, luring these skilled professionals back to their native soil. Within the last 3 years, 25,000 Non-Resident Indians have returned, replanting their roots back in India, making up an estimated 70,000 Returned Non-Resident Indians in Bangalore alone. Some return with hopes of immersing their children in Indian culture, some for the many job opportunities and challenges. And some are armed with a vision to change the face of India. However, alongside the sea of job opportunities are infrastructural setbacks. Having underinvested in infrastructure for years, India now sorely lags behind. Will these Returning Non-Resident Indians be welcomed by those who chose to tough it out in India during the hard times? Are they merely opportunists or are they heroes armed with a vision? Could India’s returning sons and daughters be the key to unleashing its new dawn?