HIMALAYAS, THE LOST VALLEYS OF PALDAR. The Himalayas are more than a playground for trekkers or the landmark of the most memorable climbing achievements. Hard to reach valleys, such as Ladakh or Paldar, are hidden amongst these gigantic mountains and shelter various tribes who have managed to live in the most inhospitable conditions. Although they cling to their culture, the latest technologies, such as the internet or mobile phones, are quietly rearing their heads and disrupting secular lifestyles. These films explore the nomadic life in the Himalayas, travel trading routes between the high valleys and present colorful rites and traditions. This "over the top" collection is a beautiful and authentic voyage into the heart of a harsh and majestic universe. In the heart of the Himalayas, there are still some forgotten valleys such as those of Paldar. Hard to reach, they were known for their Sapphire mines, but the 1990’s Kashmir conflict plunged into oblivion this singular region nicknamed ‘’the Himalayan Switzerland’’ because of its picturesque landscapes. Rigzen Tsewang, who lives in Zanskar, has decided to travel to Paldar through the imposing Omasila pass, nestled 5400m high. As our guide, he leads us to exceptionally well preserved villages where Hinduism adds a very colorful dimension, especially during the Nague Festival which celebrates the beginning of the harvest.