David et Jonathas by Charpentier at Opéra Royal, Versailles

David et Jonathas; Biblical tragedy in five acts with prologue by Marc-Antoine Charpentier (1643 – 1704); Libretto by François Bretonneau; First performance in Paris, Collége Louis-le-Grand, February 28, 1688; Ensemble Marguerite Louise, Gaétan Jarry (Conductor); Marshall Pynkoski (Stage director); Jeannette Lajeunesse Zingg (Choreography), Antoine and Roland Fontaine (Sets), Hervé Gary (Lighting), Christian Lacroix (costumes); Reinoud Van Mechelen (David); Caroline Arnaud (Jonathas); David Witczak (Saul); François-Olivier Jean (Pythonisse); Antonin Rondepierre (Joabel); Geoffroy Buffiére (The shadow of Samuel); Virgil Ancely (Achis); Château de Versailles, Royal Chapel, 10 November 2022 1270607_1 (133 min)